Reducing stress in the non-stop digital era can be quite a challenge to a happy life balance!
The information age is truly inspiring! Information is power and still to this day many countries do everything in their power to slow down the tide of information and communication.
Alas, most of us are too much consumed by an endless barrage of e-mail, addictive Facebook posting, music, videos, instant messages, Skyping with long lost friends, cats playing pianos and Charlie biting his finger to change the world.
As soon as we turn into too much consumed and addicted by external stimulus in this form we lose inward thinking. Breaking this addiction needs to be at the top of the list for anyone looking to live a truly happy life.
Most important!- turn off the work e-mail when you are not at work: E-mail has made it way to easy for the boss to invade into your home life. I'd spend my nights and weekends with the boss consuming half of my mental energy. I was driving myself and my family crazy! Dinner time, during Sunday football (sacrilege!) anytime was fair game. If I stopped, how could they function, If I stopped they would fire me! The world kept turning, the office didn't explode and I made a huge step forward in reducing my stress and living a happy life. Now I check and answer e-mails right before I leave work, and check and answer first thing when I get in, And only once during the day.
Turn off your cell phone at a certain time everyday: For me it's dinner time.
Limit the Facebook time: I love Facebook but all things in moderation.
We are becoming afraid of time with our thoughts. It is an absolute habit of all truly happy people to spend a little time each day alone with your thoughts. This can be through mediation or just thoughtful reflection but spending a little time within your own head will reduce stress, help you sleep better and allows the brain time to organize, problem solve and rest. Quieting you mind on a daily basis will make you happier... I guarantee it!
Scientists at the University of Michigan have shown that constant stimuli fatigues the brain and reduces processing power, so although it feels like its relaxing and reduces stress, you will likely be more stressed and irritable when you get home if you spend the train ride gaming. Enjoy the view, spark up a conversation with a stranger... you'll be smarter for it, and you'll find the elusive happy life balance in the digital era!
Have a happy life balance and happy day!
By Paul Boyd [_livinghappy365.com_]
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Thankyou for the nice tips.. :)
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International Language Center Berkualitas
Thanks for the nice tips! :)